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First Aid, CPR, and AED

Corporate Training: ABC’s corporate training’s encompass as well as fulfill a wide range of First Aid and CPR training needs from many different industries and job roles. Our corporate training can range from enterprise businesses with groups of 50-100 participants to the administration staff at a school district as well as construction companies, dentist offices, city officials and much more. In this training you can tailor the class to the specific needs of your staff or company and will cover all major aspects of safety and First Aid and CPR training. Our corporate training includes: Activating E.M.S. / 911 Fears About Providing First Aid: Disease (Universal Precautions) Incorrect Application of Skills Legal Concerns (Good Samaritan Laws) Choking - Adult, Child & Infant (Conscious and Unconscious) Allergies - (Use of various types of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors) Bleeding - (Including Major Bleeding, Internal Bleeding, Nosebleeds) Amputations / Imbedded Objects Diabetic Emergencies Shock Burns Seizures Poisons Heart Attack/Stroke CPR (Adult/Child/Infant) Mannequin Practice Recent CPR Guideline Changes A.E.D. Automated External Defibrillator Demonstration Review and Summary Presentation of Handouts Certification: Each participant receives a hands-on certification in First Aid, CPR & AED with a certification card. Reference Material Each participant receives a certification card. A student handbook can be provided at an additional charge.

Child Care Training

Child Care Training: ABC’s Pediatric First Aid & CPR training is a highly interactive and entertaining training program that emphasis’s hands-on learning and practicing role play scenarios and avoids the use of long videos and powerpoint presentations. ABC’s Pediatric First Aid & CPR training includes: Training Approved by the Emergency Medical Services Authority of California (EMSA) Activating E.M.S. / 911 Fears About Providing First Aid: Disease (Universal Precautions) Incorrect Application of Skills Legal Concerns (Good Samaritan Laws) Choking - Adult, Child & Infant (Conscious and Unconscious) Allergies - (Use of various types of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors) Asthma Bleeding - (Including Nosebleeds) Amputations / Imbedded Objectssvnbm Diabetic Emergencies Shock Burns Seizures Poisons Heart Attack/Stroke CPR (Adult/Child/Infant) Mannequin Practice Recent CPR Guideline Changes A.E.D. Automated External Defibrillator Demonstration Review and Summary Presentation of Handouts CERTIFICATION: Each participant receives a hands-on certification in Pediatric First Aid and CPR as well as a certification card with the approved Green and Red EMSA stickers. REFERENCE MATERIAL: Each participant receives a certification card. A student handbook can be provided at an additional charge.

Youth Safety 

The Junior Rescuer Program: In 1996 ABC EMS created and copyrighted its highly successful First Aid program for children called the Junior Rescuer. In the first 12 months of its creation more than 10,000 children, between the ages of 5 to 11, became Junior Rescuers. The Junior Rescuer is a 2 hour children's safety program designed for ages 5-11. ABC’s fun, interactive and educational program was created to teach our children the skills for preventing, recognizing and responding to basic emergencies and dangerous situations. The Alone at Home: (maybe The Home Alone Program;) hahaha) In 2001 ABC EMS followed up with an equally popular program designed for children ages 8 to 14 called the Alone at Home The Alone at Home a 3 hour program that covers all the basics from the Junior Rescuer and provides the ever-growing number of children, who spend time at home without parents, a safe and strategic way to avoid hazards and to manage interactions with adults whom they know or don’t know. We focus heavily on Stranger Danger and cyberbullying and online dangers. The Babysitter Program: In 2002 ABC EMS created and copyrighted the final program of our youth academies the Babysitter Program. The Babysitter program is designed for young adults ages 11+ and aims to deliver the same information and skills as our Pediatric, Infant and Adult First Aid, CPR & AED training with an emphasis on home and car seat/bathtub safety. ABC’s Babysitter Program certifies each participant for Childcare work and or jobs.This certification is recognized by the state of California and the EMSA. Our Babysitter program is not only a great program for young adults to learn about overall safety but can be a great way to earn some money using our babysitter certificate and start their own Babysitting business! Participants will receive a Pediatric CPR, First Aid and AED certification card and a babysitting certificate!. We do offer a follow up 2 hour young entrepreneurs program where we help young adults learn the basics of running a babysitting business. Participants will receive flyers and business cards.

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